In broad terms, SBT is a build system like Ant, Maven, or Gradle, but it provides a more confortable development environment for Scala-based projects. If you don’t know Angular, it’s a frontend web framework developed by Google i n TypeScript, similar to React or Vue. SBT-JavaCV As of sbt-assembly XXX the rename rules will be applied to these annotations as well which makes it possible to compile or reflect against a shaded library. The following is a sample pom.xml configuration file that shades the Guava library, which is located in the package. is the number one paste tool since 2002. In this case, while going through the steps for this blog again, I ran into a new issue. I started with simple stuff and then, I needed to create submodules, releases for more than one Scala version, publishinginto public Maven repos, etc. Navigate to your project base directory and create build.sbt file. The way Heroku recognizes a Scala application is described in Heroku Scala Support. Usage# Running your simulations#. In order to build your project you simply have to issue the sbt clean assembly command. The main benefits of javadoc are having natural documentation for Java API, IDE support, and Java enum support. Must be set in ThisBuild. JMH Testing with Scala. This page contains a comprehensive archive of previous Scala releases. Just remove scalaVersion from global.sbt. Because SBT is recursive it uses this scalaVersion from global.sbt when building your build files, which fails because SBT 0.13 is built with Scala 2.10, and so are all SBT plugins. As with any SBT testing framework, you’ll be able to run Gatling … Giter8 Scala Microservice template. addSbtPlugin ("com.sonar-scala" % "sbt-sonar" % "2.3.0") Copy. addSbtPlugin("org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.4.3") // "2.4.3" is just sbt plugin version. We also recommend you also include the SuperSafe Community Edition Scala compiler plugin, which will flag errors in your Scalactic code at compile time, by adding the following lines to your pom.xml: So, SBT, itself, is just a Java program. Scala binary version used for Scalafix execution. Pretty regularly, I find myself in a situation where a decision needs to be made, but no one particularly cares what the result is. It pulls in the webSettings from a plugin which I’ll drop into in a moment. T… Scala 3.1.0. bgRun Start an application's default main class as a background job bgRunMain Start a provided main class as a background job clean Deletes files produced by the build, such as generated sources, compiled classes, and task caches. As discussed on gitter, what helped in this case was downgrading the project sbt version to 0.13.15, then upgrading back to 0.13.16. I would expect addSbtPlugin to use the correct version of Scala, conditionally, for each version of sbt that it is attempting to compile against. You can use either: Let's start a local SonarQube server for demonstration purposes. @chuckadams Just bumped the versions. addSbtPlugin("com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-atmos" % "0.1.2") This plugin is currently configured with the SBT and Scala for the project and therefore might not have a support for latest version of SBT. GenJavadocPlugin adds a compiler plugin called genjavadoc, which generates Java source code into target/java from Scala source code, so javadoc can be generated. Type in expressions to have them evaluated. This page assumes you’ve installed sbt 1.. Let’s start with examples rather than explaining how sbt works or why. tl;dr It's not possible given the description of the problem.. Specifically, we will be using SBT and docker-compose. Specify the name of your app, its version, version of Scala and specify the keys for Jelastic plugin. Combined 3.0.4 Release Notes; ScalaTest 3.0.0 Scaladoc; Scalactic 3.0.0 Scaladoc; The ScalaTest 3.0.4 artifacts and Scalactic 3.0.0 artifacts are available via the Sonatype OSS Maven repository and mirrored on Maven central. ScalaPB will look for protocol buffer (.proto) files under src/main/protobuf, which can be customized.Running the compile command in sbt will generate Scala sources for your protos and compile them.. For additional configuration options, see ScalaPB SBT Settings. Specifically, we will be using SBT and docker-compose.
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