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factors influencing obedience

an . Start studying Factors Affecting Obedience and Dissent - Culture. Describe and discuss factors that effect obedience in Psychology. Obedience involves people behaving as they instructed to, while conformity involves people behaving according to group norms. Within obedience, the person is influenced by an authority figure, while conformity involves the person being influenced by the social group. Psychology homework help Module Chapter 14 Discussion Assignment Details One form of social influence is obedience, which involves “going along with direct commands, usually from someone in a position of authority” (Huffman & Sanderson, 2014, p. 406).

These can be high or low self-esteem, confidence levels or even intelligence levels. Therapy F or Issues With Obedience: Oppositional Defian t Disorder Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a childhood mental health condition that involves anger, defiance, and vindictiveness. The significance of obedience became more prominent after the Nazi atrocities of World War II. – The four factors that influence obedience are authenticity and closeness of the authority figure, remoteness (neutrality) of the victim, assignment of responsibility, and representation or imitating others. Interestingly, the crime rates within a specific country may fluctuate over time. Adorno felt that personality (i.e. Obedience is a change in behavior as a result of a direct command from an authority figure.

Start studying Factors Affecting Obedience and Dissent - Culture. Obedience was highest when: Commands were given by an authority figure rather than another volunteer; The experiments were done at a prestigious institution; The authority figure was present in the room with the subject Don't forget to add a conclusion so that you can get into the top band (7-8 marks). Within obedience, the person is influenced by an authority figure, while conformity involves the person being influenced by the social group. I also hope to briefly write about relevant case studies, by psychologists such as Lesson Objectives To outline Milgram’s variations and explain how these variations support the situational variable affecting obedience, including: Proximity Location Uniform Specification: Explanations for obedience: agentic state and legitimacy of authority, and situational v Obedience has long been studied in the field of psychology, and Stanley Milgram’s obedience studies are notably the most renowned in the area of social psychological research (Burger, 2009). The of the location is one of the factors. Dispositional Factors Affecting Obedience.

Less obedience was extracted from subjects in this case. Factors Affecting Obedience Amount Of Responsibility. It is a necessity when it comes to maintaining order in society.

Overview – Social Influence. This is because authority figures often wear clothes that symbolise their position of authority. Factors affecting obedience and dissent/resistance to obedience, including… individual differences personality gender (also links to developmental psychology) situation culture (also links to…

This ability to withstand social pressure is influenced by both … One of the fundamental aspects of social interaction is that some individuals have more influence than others. What are the four factors of obedience? By definition, obedience is "a social influence process involving modification of behaviour in response to a command from an authority figure" (Bordens and Horowitz, pp. Social influence theory refers to the change in behavior caused due the influence from one person to another. In relation to obedience it means refusing to carry out orders (disobedience). Obedience: Situational Variables.

Within obedience, the person is influenced by an authority figure, while conformity involves the person being influenced by the social group. Obedience involves following somebody with social power, where conformity involves people wanting to be accepted. The ability of people to withstand the social pressure to conform to the majority or to obey authority. The first sign of obedience in the book is the lesson after Mr. Ross shows the students Factors Influencing Conformity and Obedience The object of this paper is to critically evaluate factors influencing conformity and obedience. However, some factors affecting the level of obedience had been identified by the Milgram’s experiment. The commentary concludes with a series of brief suggestions aimed at policy makers and stakeholders involved in promoting adherence to regulations to avoid a second wave of the pandemic through mass media communications. A. CHAPTER 7 SoCiAl influEnCE: ConfoRmiTy, SoCiAl RolES, And obEdiEnCE 3 Y ou are not alone if you recall middle school and high school as hard chapters in your life. Milgram found that proximity affected levels of obedience. Blass (2009) also criticised the theory that obedience is higher when orders come from a legitimate authority. Factors Affecting Obedience: Out Right Rebellion.

Factors that increase obedience include: Weaknesses of situation as a factor affecting obedience -the research took place in a laboratory setting - lacks ecological validity -there are other explanations of obedience other than situations, for example personality suggests those with an authoritarian personality are more obedient - … Factors Influencing Obedience.

JGI/Jamie Grill/Getty Images. Obedience is a form of social influence that involves performing an action under the orders of an authority figure. Obedience is compliance with commands given by an authority figure. Milgram carried out a number of variations of his original obedience study in order to see how changes to; location, the way the authority figure is dressed, participant personality and proximity can affect the degree of obedience to an ‘authority figure.’ AO1: Define resistance.

prejudice caused by a flaw in the personality.

Obedience is a form of social influence that involves performing an action under the orders of an authority figure.

We know today that this ‘book’ is the first 5 books of the Bible, known as the Pentateuch. According to research on factors affecting obedience, which of the following scenarios would be most likely to induce obedience? It showed that people have a strong tendency to comply with authority figures. After running these experiments, Milgram and Zimbardo concluded that the following factors affect obedience: Proximity to the authority figure: Proximity indicates physical closeness; the closer the authority figure is, the more obedience is demonstrated. Isolation. Obedience is often associated with social dominance and submission. žIf someone has less responsibility in a situation, they will be more likely to obey others who now are responsible for their action. Blass (1991) argued that Milgram payed too much attention to the situational effects on obedience and not enough to individual differences. Informational influence is when we turn to others to obtain and accept information about our reality. In the 1960s, the social psychologist Stanley Milgram conducted a famous research study called the obedience study. Gross defines obedience as an outcome of social influence whereby somebody acts in response to an order from another person. Description In a face to face group conformity is greater than when the individual gets a chance to express his view secretly.

We are going to consider a number of personality factors which might affect the extent to which some-one is likely to obey orders. In Milgram’s experiment proximity worked on numerous levels: how close the teacher was to the learner, and how close the teacher was to the experimenter. Factors For Increased Obedience. It is assumed that without such an order, the person would not have acted in this way. In another variation, the experimenter was …

Obedience, or submissive compliance, is the act of obeying orders from others.This differs from compliance, which is behavior influenced by peers.This is in turn different from conformity, which is behavior intended to match that of the majority.The inclination toward obdient behavior has been regarded as a personality trait. Gross defines obedience as an outcome of social influence whereby somebody acts in response to an order from another person. In Milgram’s research, the percentage of participants who were fully obedient fell from 65% to 20% when the experimenter wore his own clothes, rather than the ‘uniform’ of a white lab coat. These three factors help us understand the concept of conformity. Social power can be defined as the ability of a person to create conformity even when the people being influenced may attempt to resist those changes (Fiske, 1993; Keltner, Gruenfeld, & Anderson, 2003). The following video clips are replications of Milgrams’ study on … Social influence looks at how people’s beliefs and behaviours are affected by people around them. I intend to do this by researching conformity and obedience, using books and the Internet. What are the factors that affect obedience? (8 marks) A 8-mark “evaluate” question awards 4 marks for describing factors (AO1) and 4 marks for AO3 (Evaluate). asked Feb 6, 2019 in Psychology by kcmorrison13. Factors That Increase Obedience . Factors Affecting Obedience. Two factors were associated with a significant decrease in obedience: the dog's attention to its handler and the handler giving additional verbal information preceding the actual verbal command. Uniform is a situational variable affecting obedience. Situational factors that influence conformity include, the size of the influencing group, the cohesiveness of the group, and social support. Kahema SE, Mgabo MR, Emidi B, Sigalla GN, Kajeguka DC (2018) Factors Influencing Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among HIV Infected Patients in Nyamagana-Mwanza, Northern Tanzania: A Cross Sectional Study. It differs from compliance (which involves changing your behavior at the request of another person) and conformity (which involves altering your behavior in order to go along with the rest of the group).

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factors influencing obedience